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Ultimate Guide to Run 'n' Gun





What is rushing? In the Call of Duty series, rushing can be defined as the act of rushing to / around the enemy in order to wipe them out with speed. It is the most common style of game play in free for all, as you must go to the enemy, they do not come to you. Although rushing is most commonly seen to be used by ‘n00bs’, it is a tactic that if used properly, can ensure success after success.

How to Rush and Different Approaches

In order to know how to rush, you must understand what rushing fully is. How do you define rushing? What does rushing mean to you? Does it mean charging at the enemies all guns blazing or does it mean rushing behind enemy lines to eliminate the quickly and tactically? Both of these ideas can come under the wider sense of rushing. How you rush is up to you, but normally you will use one of the 3 styles of rushing. These are:

Rambo Rushing: Rambo rushing is the least tactical and effective of all forms of rushing. Simply rush into an area and go in all guns blazing. You must be prepared to spray and pray the majority of the time. Your only goal is getting to – and killing - the enemy as fast as possible – even if that means running through an area guarded by snipers. This leads to a high death count, but sometimes it can sometimes come out on top.

Cautious Rushing: A more tactical approach to rushing. This style is essentially a mix of Rambo and Stealth, as you will be spending an equal amount of time between flanking and combat. Ambushing choke points is also a tactic, and can lead to a very high kill count. Think about it. The enemy is grouped together and is tearing your team apart. Some of you try to take them head on (Rambos), but to no avail. So what do you do? Do you get slaughtered with your team, or do you flank and spank the whole team?

Stealth Rushing: My personal favourite. A style of rushing rarely seen but very effective. Flanking is your main tactic, and your silenced weapon keeps you off the radar. The enemy is being teared apart and they still don’t know what hit them. Best used just after your team has engaged in a fire fight, as then the enemy is preoccupied. VERY effective.

When to move

 As a rusher, you are always on the move. You are either rushing to meet the enemy or flanking them. However, there are certain times when you are required to stay still. If you are being pinned down by a sniper, your best bet is to throw a smoke into his field of vision and then take a different route, not the area you just smoked. Why not? Because the sniper is now aiming at the smoked area, not the route you are about to take. If you don’t have a smoke grenade handy, then you may use a different special grenade as a distraction. When you are crossing large areas, be sure to sprint and take cover when it runs out. Remember, the longer you are out in the open, the more likely it is you will be sniped. If you are faced with multiple enemies that you know you cannot beat, retreat to cover. If they see where you are taking cover, quickly move to a new spot. If they are smart, they will try to gas your old position. They will soon rush in and get a rude shock when you are not right there in their fire. Nine times out of ten, it will be too late for them to react. Congratulations, you have just turned an impossible situation to your advantage.

How to move

Movement is a very simple thing but like all skill, perfecting it can take time. Knowing when to sprint and when to run can be the difference between life and death. I will quickly go over the situations you will be in and what style of movement to use.

Sprinting: Sprinting allows you to run much faster than normal, which is ideal for crossing large areas and moving from cover to cover, however while sprinting you cannot use your weapon.

Walking: The most common form of movement, should be used while in alleys, corridors, storming buildings and any other situation where crouching or prone is not appropriate.

Crouch: Crouching allows you to move without making any sound and also increases hip accuracy (except with shotguns). The downside is obviously slower movement, and the main use of crouching is for entering buildings undetected.

Prone: prone is the slowest form of movement but offers you much greater concealment. It has many uses, however few are suitable for rushing.

When to be Stealthy

While this may be hard for Rambo wannabes to believe, there are some situations that cannot be solved by pure firepower. Instead, these situations require a more tactical and stealthy approach, which normally involves backtracking and flanking in order to get behind enemy lines. This is always the hardest part of the tactic, but once you are behind, your task is easy. If you have a silenced weapon, you can fire upon the enemy without being detected, but if not some good old fashion knife work on unaware enemies should do the trick. Once you have taken out those watching their buddies’ backs, it is now safe to go Rambo on their asses.

When to go Rambo

Once in a while you will encounter a situation where flanking and stealth are out of the question. The only option available to you is to........ *cue drum roll* GO RAMBO! The best example of this is when enemies are hiding in a building, or in a position where you can’t get behind them. So pick up your trusty weapon and get to work. The first thing you should do in an assault is lay down suppressive fire. If there is a heavy weapon nearby, swap your pistol and start spamming their position. If the enemy has any brains in their head they will get the hell away from your swarm of bullets. Once the clip is exhausted, switch back to your primary weapon and toss in a tabun or signal flare and charge the building. The success of your assault is purely based on your CQB skills, so there is not much I can do to help you with that. Congrats, you have just terminated the enemy.

General Tips for Rushing

I almost forgot the most important section of this guide. Rushing, contra to popular belief, does require skill and it DOES (wow I used bold I feel really tough now ) require tactics and proper planning.

Strength is in numbers!

Sorry to break it to you SNS, but while you are rushing, the more the messier. No matter how skilled the enemy is, they will have a tough time killing a group of SMG wielding rushers. So what are you waiting for? Grab a friend at get pwning.

Hipfire at close range

I cannot count the amount of times I have seen someone try to kill me with their sights up at point blank. Aiming down your sights slows you down and restricts movement, all the while making it easier for your enemy to kill you. The most effective tactic I have found is to swerve from side to side and fire in controlled bursts. NEVER (*gasps* Shocked bold and capitals again?) aim down the sights with a shotgun. Believe it or not, it makes it less accurate and gives you all the other negatives of aiming. So, if you value your life you won’t do it.

Don’t be Afraid to go the Long Way

Running around your enemies if often more successful then meeting them head on. If the enemy are guarding a certain route, doesn’t it make sense to go another way? Occasionally, doing this will lose an opportunity, but that is always better than dying. So before you rule out extreme conditioning, give it a go, and add flanking to your arsenal of tactics.

Use tanks effectively

*gasps* Shocked What a n00b! He said to use tanks! While tanks may be a way of getting cheap kills, they are also great for crossing large areas without being sniped or killed any other way. They are also good for improving that wicked kill streak that you don’t want to end. Good counter tank tactics: If you encounter a tank while rushing, avoid it at all costs. Change you class to your anti tank class (if you have one) and approach the tank from behind. Remember, shooting a tank in the back is like getting a head shot. Once you have fired you bazooka, thrown your grenade etc, retreat and hide being cover for about 10 seconds. If the tank has turned to aim at your position, ‘flank’ the tank and hit it from behind again. If you have any more anti tank weapons, now is the time to use them. If done successfully, the tank should be destroyed / severely weakened, and you can then resume rushing.

You will need the following skills.
A weapon you are comfortable with
Efficiency in CQC
Precise map knowledge (You must know all routes to your target)
Good grenade skills

A weapon you are comfortable with: First and foremost, you need a weapon you are comfortable with. Whether it be a fully auto smg or semi auto rifle, if your are comfortable with it, it will get the job done.

Efficiency in CQC: Easily the most important skill in the rusher’s arsenal. As a rusher, you are always close to the enemy, so it makes sense you need to be able to hold your own in CQC. Steady aim is highly recommended, ensuring you come out on top every time.

Precise map knowledge: Here is the scenario. The enemy has dug in and are camping in an easily defendable position. Your mindless teammates are only assaulting head on, and the team’s score is paying dearly. If you know all the routes to your target, you can identify which is the best and go from there. You catch the enemy by surprise and save the day. Feel proud.

Good grenade skills: Always comes in handy. If you can lob accurately in close to medium range, you easily gain the upper hand. Nades have been downgraded in WaW  Cry, so in order to use them properly, you must be more accurate.

Gametypes and Maps

Rushing is effective on most every map, but in particular small of medium maps. There is only one map on CoD: WaW that I would not recommend rushing and that is Seelow. Seelow is far to open for any weapon except sniper rifles. As far as game types go, your ideal games are core team deathmatch, core free for all and headquarters. Rushing is still effective on other gametypes, but not to the same extent as the 3 afore mentioned. Rushing is effective on all but search and destroy, were being a rusher is a waste of your time.

A Map by Map Guide to Rushing (4/13)

In this section of my guide, I will give a map by map guide on rushing.. . Starting with airfield, I will go over all the maps in detail, and I hope this section will give increase your map knowledge and make you a better player.

Imperial Army

If you spawn on the Imperial Army side, you have 3 ways to rush at the enemy. The first is to run through the garage and around the crash site or through the bunker. If you chose the bunker, you should be ready to face enemy fire early on. If you make it through the bunker you should head into the admin building to eliminate any campers foolish enough to be there. If you chose to go around the crash site, I recommend running from cover to cover, but be mindful of sniper fire from the admin building.

The second route is straight through the middle of the map, sprinting as fast as you can until you reach the sink room. Upon reaching the sink room, I recommend camping *gasps* yes that’s right camping for about 10 seconds between the crates and the tree. You will like encounter people rushing blindly out of the sink room. Once you have taken care of them rush forward to the depot and try to catch fellow rushers running through the ruined bunker and bunker. However, if you decide to storm the admin building, I recommend using staircase A as it is the least used and least guarded.

The third route is, in my opinion, the best and safest route. Run past the manager’s office and oil shed and camp *gasps again* for about 10 seconds in the ruined bunker. From there, you should be able to people rushing near the depot. Once you have eliminated them, move forward and storm the admin building. You can do this via the guard house or the sink room, but remember to only use staircase A.

Marine Raiders

If you spawn as a marine, you too have 3 choices. If you choose the first route, you must run through the admin building, then you can have two choices from there. You can run through the bunker, or you can run around the crash site. The biggest threat you face when rushing around the crash site is enemy grenades. If you chose the bunker, you are then behind enemy lines. I would recommend killing any enemies rushing towards the admin building before you rush into the garage. Once you are at the garage, take the side path in, because there is normally someone guarding the main way, especially at the start of the game. You should then proceed into the manager’s office, but be aware of bouncing betties. I cannot stress this enough. There is almost always a noob sniper there, and they always have bouncing betties.

The second route involves running through the sink room and into the open, but remember to use the trucks for cover. Run to the manager’s office, and eliminate the enemies rushing near the ruined bunker. 

The third option for the marines is to run past the guard house and depot and head for the cover of the bunkers. You should see Japanese rushing towards you, but if you keep your cool and stay undetected, you will be able to take them down. Your next best bet is to take out the noob who is in the manager’s office, then keep moving until you get to the crash site.

Video coming soon.

Red Army

If you spawn on the Red Army side, you have 3 ways to rush the enemy. If you chose to go to the cafeteria via the bedrooms, you must be prepared for an early fire fight. For the best survival rate, I recommend sticking to the perimeter and possibly camping for a short while on the ivy porch. After you have killed the enemies rushing there, go down the main stairway and kill anyone remaining at the Wehrmacht side.

Luckily for all you Rambo wannabes, there is also a suicidal route on Asylum. Run down the gravel ramp and into the courtyard. SMGs are a must, as you will be in CQC and need to lay a lot of power down in a short time. IF you survive, which I doubt you will, proceed forward try to ambush the enemies in the cafeteria.

The third route involves running down stairwell D and the back offices that follow. Turn right, and lay prone aiming at the Wehrmacht entrance. Without fail, you will catch a few rushers running right towards you. Once you are sure that no more will be coming or that someone is about to flank you, run out into the courtyard *gasps* Shocked are you insane? Well, maybe........ Anyway, run into the courtyard and up the gravel ramp. By this stage of the game, the only people that will be rushing here will be reincarnated Rambos. From here on, move around the map and try to stay in the action.


If you spawn on the Wehrmact, you too have 3 choices. The first option you have is to run straight forward into the back offices. You must be quick though, or will get killed by that annoying guy who prones on the floor. If you do happen to see him, throw a special grenade and go finish the job. Then leav the back offices and go up the ladder close to the door. From here you should be able flank the enemy in the offices.

Here is the route for all you Rambos out there. Simply charge through the courtyard, up the gravel ramp and hope the enemy doesn’t kill you before you kill them. Again, the survival rate is very low for this kind of route. If you make it up, take out the people rushing into the cafeteria.

The third choice is somewhat in-between Rambo and Stealth. You must be prepared for an early fight, but if you stick to the shadows, you can get a far greater reward. This is generally the most used route, so if you can get behind the enemy you can take out most of the team. From here on your best bet is to go down stairwell D and take down the rest of their team from behind. Remember to watch out for the annoying proning guy, he could be anywhere Cheesy.

Video coming soon.

Imperial Army

If you spawn as an Imperial soldier, you have 2 main ways to rush the enemy. The first and most used option involves running straight through the dojo and waiting to ambush Marines rushing in the alley near the map room. However, if you insist on being Rambo, you can rush straight to the map room and try to kill people there. If you have any brains in your head, you won’t do this. Instead you will wait and ambush the enemy and hopefully get a few kills. From here I recommend going to the surrey area but approach with caution.

The second route involves rushing staright down the main stairway and into the water. Shocked Why the hell do you want to go into the water? They built a bridge for a reason. Well maybe they did, but you best bet here is going straight to the water, as you are an easy target on the bridge. Camp at the northern entrance for a few seconds, then proceed to the prayer room. From here your best bet is to keep moving around the map, but if you know someone is glitching, stay away from the courtyard.

Marine Raiders

If you spawn as a Marine you also have 2 routes. The first being to run into the map room as fast as possible and wait for enemy rushers to come through the alley near the dojo. This is the best way I have found to counter the tactic I mentioned before is to stay in the map room for a little while then throw a smoke just outside the dojo. This should give you enough time to get to the second level of the dojo, as you can eliminate the enemies from there.

The second, and in my opinion the best, route involves sprinting straight to the barracks via the prayer room. From there, run through the sniper building and up the back steps and into the south map room. You are now completely behind enemy lines. If you proceed to the Dojo, go behind the altar, as this way you are less likely to be sniped. Advance through the dojo, and then continue to flank the enemy. If you stick to the perimeters and back routes, you can expect high killsteaks to follow.

NOTE:There is a glitch on this map, where a player can get under the map. I am sure you have all experienced it, and it is annoying as hell. The only way I have found to combat this is to launch an artillery strike on the area where the player is glitching.

Video coming soon.

Imperial Army

If you spawn as a Japanese soldier, you have 3 main ways to rush at the enemy. These are: Rushing north to the cliffs, rushing straight toward the enemy and rushing around the upper pass.

If you chose the first option of rushing at the cliffs, you will likely be engaging in medium range combat early on. If you have an SMG or a shotgun, you should weave you way through the boulders and throw a smoke if you have one. Once you get close enough, open fire and rush toward the bunker. Be wary of people coming under the overwatch, as they will usually arrive there by the time you are near the bunker. From there on, run around, not through, the bunker and head to the waterfall via the waterfall.

If you choose the option of running like a suicidal maniac straight into the snipers line of sight, be my guest. The only thing you achieve by doing this is giving the enemy a cheap 10xp. If you make it as far as the mausoleum, then rush inside as fast as you can. I recommend camping in there for about 10 seconds, then running out towards the waterfall to catch any snipers who are stil back at their spawn.

If you chose the upper pass, then congratulations, you have a reasonable amount of brain cells inside your head. You should be careful though, as if a marine and a jap face off here, it’s usually the marine that wins. This is simply because of visibility. You can then take the rest of their team off guard as they attempt to storm the mausoleum. Your best bet from there is to run around the mausoleum and up near the bunker; there are usually people there.

Marine Raiders

If you spawn as a Marine, you have 3 ways to rush at the enemy. These are: Rushing to the bunker, rushing straight forward and rusher to the upper pass.

If you chose to rush at the cliffs, you have the advantage of the Imperial army. This is because you are mostly concealed by boulders while they are mostly in the open. You shouldn’t really have a problem taking them out and then moving on towards the creek bunker. When you reach there, you will have the opportunity to take out the campers left in the area.

If you chose to run out in the open, your chances are not much better than your Japanese counterparts. In fact, they are worse. You are now in full view of most Imperial soldiers in the area. Your best bet is to run towards the overwatch and hope you don’t get sniped.

If you choose to go towards the upper pass, you have the best shot at survival. You have the high ground, and if you suspect an enemy is coming, you can simply hide in one of the crevices near there and take him out. However, once you step out into the open, the advantage leaves you. You should run to cover as fast as you can and proceed towards the creek.

Video coming soon.

More maps coming soon, stay frosty 

A day in the life of a rusher 

As soon as the game starts, the rusher must be ready to fight. To gain the upper hand early on, rushers must make it to choke points in time to catch the enemy running through. If successful, the rusher already has the upper hand on his enemies (The best example of this is on Crash in CoD4 for the Marines spawn. Simply run toward the 3 story building, sit on the dumpster next to it and kill the enemies rushing there). He may have already got recon plane or be close to one. The next thing on a rusher’s list should be to get behind enemy lines and take out the snipers moving to their positions. If you have identified an area as one were enemies frequently camp, be sure to check that place every now and then. From there on into the game, the rusher’s sole purpose is to gain kills for the team – lots of kills. This can be done by roving around the map until you find a group of enemies. If they are coming towards you be ready to ambush them. However, if they are moving away from you, you must rush to catch them up, or a large group of kills go begging. In short, a rusher must always be moving around the map in the enemies’ general direction.

In order to be a good rusher, weapon selection is vital. For example, if you were intending to go Rambo you would not use a rifle of any kind. Instead, you would stick with a smg or a shotgun.
Note: There is only 1 assault rifle in the game, and that is the Stg-44. All other rifles are semi-auto. So starting with Sub Machine Guns, I will rate each weapon (sorry for only SMGs and Rifles, more coming soon) from 1 to 5 on it’s effectiveness for rushing.

Sub Machine Guns

Rushing with a SMG

Rushing with a SMG is the easiest type of rushing. At close range to medium range, nothing beats an SMG. When rushing with an SMG, you should try to stick to fairly confined and interior areas, not the wide open expanses of the snipers domain. You can move the fastest, which can be a big advantage. Sprint when crossing large areas, and try to stay in corridors, especially high traffic ones. When roving around the map, stick to the perimeter and try not to get in areas than exceed your range. In general, run around the map and ambush the enemy, but remember, you are not a sniper.


Effective gun for rushing, but small clip size can cripple you.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Suppressor:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Round Drum:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -20
750-1000 / 400-750 SD
20 / 40 (Round Drum)
2.1-2.8 / 3.1-3.8 (Round Drum)


Works extremely well silenced, a good choice for a stealth class.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Suppressor:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Dual Magazines:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -29
750-1000 / 400-750 SD
32 / 64 (Dual Magzines)
2.3-2.9 / 2.6-3.3 (Dual Magazines)

Type 100

An excellent gun. Will perform well for all your rushing needs.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Suppressor:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Box Magazine:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -20
750-1000 / 400-750 SD
30 / 60 (Box magazine
2.25-2.75 / 2.6-3.0 (Box Magazine)


The sheer amount of bullets this gun spits out and it’s low recoil make it a great gun

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Round Drum:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
35 / 70 (Round Drum)
2.3-2.8 / 2.5-4.1 (Round Drum)


Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Round Drum
.375 Magnum
Tabun gas
2x Primary Grenade

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Type 100
Extended Clip
Tabun gas
Stopping Power
Steady aim
Ordinance Training

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Bomb Squad / Bandolier
Stopping Power / Camouflage
Steady aim / Dead Silence
Coaxial Machine Gun


Rushing with a Rifle

Rushing with a rifle uses significantly different tactics to using an SMG. Your efficiency in CQC is far worse, but you have more range, so you can take on targets at medium to long range. You run slower than an SMG rusher, meaning that you can’t get to choke points as quickly. Move around high traffic areas and stay at about medium range. In general, a fast trigger finger and good map knowledge will get you through with a rifle.


Semi auto gun with friendly iron sights. However, moderate recoil and a low clip size make it less effective for rushing.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Flash Hider:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Telescopic Sight:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -30
1500-2000 / 500-1000 SD

Gewehr 43

Similar to the SVT, the G43 has less recoil and can support a rifle grenade.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Suppressor:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Telescopic Sight:
Rushing with Rifle Grenade:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -30
1500-2000 / 500-1000 SD

M1 Garand

Semi-automatic with high power. High recoil and tiny clip size are downsides. NOTE: Somewhat less effected by stopping power, the M1 is better is specialist roles. It is also the only gun in the game to reload faster when empty.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Flash Hider:
Rushing with Bayonet:
Rushing with Rifle Grenade:
Rushing with Sniper Scope:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
45 -35
1500-2000 / 500-1000 SD


Fully auto, low recoil but bad in CQC. The best choice for a rifle.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Suppressor:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Telescopic Sight:

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
1500-2000 / 500-1000 SD

M1A1 Carbine

The best semi-auto weapon in the game. Combines relatively high clip size and flexible attactments to make it a beast.

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Flash Hider:
Rushing with Aperture Sight:
Rushing with Bayonet:
Rushing with Box Magazine

Fire rate:
Clip Size:
Reload time:
40 -30
1500-2000 / 500-1000 SD
15 / 30 (Box Magazine)


Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Gewehr 41
Rifle grenade
.375 Magnum
Signal Flare

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
M1A1 Carbine
Box Magazine
M2 Flamethrower
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning
Ordinance Training

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Steady Aim
Coaxial MG


Rushing with a Shotgun

Rushing with a shotgun is similar to rushing with a SMG but with one major difference, you can’t kill someone more than 10 metres away from you. Because of this huge drawback, shotgun should only, and I mean only, be used in CQC environments. While you are unmatched at CQC, you must remember to stay in alleyways, corridors and the perimeter of the map. That way you avoid detection and death. In general, stick with interior fighting and swap to your pistol when crossing the open.

M1897 Trench Gun

Pump action shotgun with decent damage and 4 bullets. Effectiveness is very limited by location and surroundings, a shotgunner in the open does not have a good shot at survival.

Damage: 30-10 (8 pellets)
Fire Rate: 75RPM Pump action
Range: 300-600
Clip Size: 4
Recoil: high
Reload time: 0.9 first shell, 0.6 next

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Grip:
Rushing with Bayonet:
4 /5

Double Barrel Shotgun

Semi-automatic shotgun with high damage but only 2 bullets. Very effective in CQC, however the tiny clip size is your worst enemy with this gun. Sleight of Hand is strongly recommended.

Damage: 40-15 / 45-20 (Sawed Off attachment) (8 pellets)
Fire Rate: Semi Auto
Range: 400-500 / 300-400
Clip Size: 2
Recoil: high
Reload time: 2.75 / 2.75

Rushing with No Attachments:
Rushing with Grip:
Rushing with Sawed Off:
4 /5


Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Double Barrel Shotgun
Sawed Off
.375 Magnum
Tabun Gas
2x Primary grenade
Sleight of Hnad

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
M897 Trench Gun
Tabun Gas
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning
Ordinance Training

Primary weapon:
Side arm:
Primary grenade:
Secondary grenade:
Perk 1:
Tank Perk:
Double Barrel Shotgun
Bomb Sqad
Dead Silence
Coaxial MG

Rushing with Grenades

Almost every game you play as a rusher, there will be at least one situation where you will need more than just your weapon to survive.  The only way out of the situation is a well placed grenade. Picking the right grenade for the job can be just as important as picking the right weapon. I will go over the primary and secondary grenades in detail to help find the right nade for you.

Frag grenade

The good old frag grenade. The frag grenade has survived through the entire Call of Duty series and makes an appearance in most FPS as well. The frag grenade in CoD: WaW is the best primary grenade for clearing rooms and taking out multiple enemies. The frag grenades performance has paled in comparison to the frags of CoD4, as now a frag grenade isn’t a guaranteed kill. However, this does not mean it is weak, and it remains one of the main weapons in a rushers’ arsenal.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
3.5 seconds
0.6 seconds

N 71 ST

The N 71 ST anti tank grenade AKA ‘the sticky’ is a new addition to the Call of Duty series. While it does less damage and has a smaller blast radius than the frag, the sticky grenade, as the name implies, has the ability to stick to objects. The N 71 ST is best used on maps that support vehicles, as they are the most effective explosive against tanks. But if you just like sticking people and watching as they resign themselves to a helpless death, then this is the grenade for you.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
2 seconds
0.25 seconds

The Molotov is a unique grenade in the fact that instead of exploding, the Molotov is an incidentary weapon. It is generally regarded as the least effective of all primary grenades due to it’s weak splash damage, however this does not mean they are useless. In the hands of an experienced player, Molotovs can be very deadly weapons. Surprisingly, the Molotov is more effective against tanks than frag grenades.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
Direct Impact
On Impact
1.4 seconds

Tabun Gas

The Tabun Gas is considered the stun grenade from CoD4, however the two differ greatly. The Tabun Gas emits a cloud of poison gas that disorientates the target for a fairly lengthy time and makes fighting almost impossible. Should be used the same as stuns, but you must be careful to gas the enemy and not yourself.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
1 second (must hit ground)
0.6 seconds

Signal Flare

The Signal Flare is similar to the flashbang grenades of CoD4, but instead of blinding the target with an instant flash, the signal flare emits a bright light that turns your vision red if you get to close. Many consider them worse than flashbangs, but flares can be used in different situations. They are good for blocking off vision to an area, or forcing enemies out of cover because they cannot see in their current position.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
1 second
0.6 seconds


Last but not least we have the smoke grenade. The smoke grenade functions the same as in CoD4, but these ones emit a small cloud. They should be used in the same way and in the same situations as the smokes of CoD4. Smokes are great for making an escape, diversions, blocking off a snipers field of vision and providing cover for an advance into enemy territory.

Blast radius:
Kill radius:
Impact damage:
Hold time:
1 second (must hit ground0
0.3 seconds

Perk 1

Use: Increases maximum reserve ammo, usually to six clips.
When to use: Bandolier is a very helpful perk -especially to cautious and stealth rushers- and can keep your kill streak going much longer .It is best used on SMGs and the STG 44, as neither have much reserve ammo.

Bomb Squad
Use: Detects enemy Bouncing Betties and Satchel Charges
When to use: A useful perk for stealth rushers, there is nothing worse than being taken out by a betty just before your ambush the enemy. Recommended for use until Bandolier is unlocked.

Special Grenades x3
Use: Gives you 3 Special Grenades. No smoke.
When to use: This perk is very handy when storming a room, making a quick getaway or simply rendering the enemy useless. Can be very effective when combined with Gas Mask / Shades.

Primary Grenades x2
Use: Gives you 2 Primary Grenades
When to use: Not as good as the 3x Frags of CoD4 for 2 reasons. The first being the decrease of the grenade count, and the second being the grenades themselves. Still, I have seen it used effectively and can be a good perk.

M2 Flamethrower
Use: Projects a controlled stream of fire
When to use: Ahh the flamethrower. Great for clearing rooms and surprise attacks, probably best suited for use on classes without too much CQC ability e.g. rifles.

Perk 2

Stopping Power
Use: Increases weapon damage by 40%. On most guns this means 1 less bullet is needed to kill.
When to use: Stopping Power is the most common perk you will ever see on a rushing class. When you are rushing, you want to take the enemy down as fast as possible and stopping power does just that.

Double Tap
Use: Increases fire rate by 35%.
When to use: Why should I use double tap you may ask. Surely 40% is better than 35%? No. Double tap increases kill speed by 35%, whereas Stopping Power is only 1 bullet less. To work out the exact kill speed of each takes time, but as a general rule, use Double Tap for CQC maps and Stopping Power for medium and large maps. For more info, see my Stopping Power vs. Double Tap comparison. NOTE: Only effective on fully-automatic weapons and pump shotguns.

Use: Decreases damage by 25%, cancels Stopping Power.
When to use: Shocked *gasps* he included Juggern00b? Normally, I would never use Juggernaut, but now since I use the Flamethrower as well, I am inclined to use it because now I have an advantage with both my weapons. Should always be used on Rambo wannabes.

Use: Undetectable to enemy recon planes
When to use: Perfect for a stealth rusher, camouflage will keep you off the radar at all times. The only way you can be detected now is visually or if someone hears your footsteps.

          Shades / Gas Mask
Use: Dispels the effect of Signal Flares / Tabun Gas.
When to use: Almost useless without the 3x Special Perk, but very deadly with it. If you love to gas people, this is the perk for you.

Perk 3

Steady Aim
Use: Increases hip fire accuracy.
When to use: Arguably the most important perk for a rusher, Steady Aim tightens for crosshairs drastically, thus increasing your CQC abilities and indirectly adds more hip fire range. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Extreme Conditioning
Use: Doubles sprint time.
When to use: Flanking can take time, time that you may not have. Extreme conditioning fixes this. You can now run stronger for longer. Recommended for flankers.

Use: Drops a live grenade when killed. Fuse time = 2.5 seconds.
When to use: Shocked *gasps again* he included martyrn00b as well? If you are a rambo rusher or play headquarters, chances are you will be dying... a lot. Martydom helps you get those kills from the grave you KNOW you deserved Tongue.
That wraps up my guide on rushing for now.. Thanks for reading.

Good Looking Films